Exciting announcement tonight: the Dark Covenant is ready for membership review!
What is the Dark Covenant you ask? Well, you can think of it almost as the Dark Brotherhood's constitution. It is the framework that we have layed down that will help guide us in the process of writing our Decrees (the legislative code).
What you are going to read about is everything that is at the very basic heart of this club. We have spent well over a year developing this and making it perfect -- believe me, it was time that was needed. We are on version 3.6. There have been two major revisions and countless minor ones after endless argument and debate.
I am in want and need of as many comments as you can give. If you hate it, tell me. If you love it, tell me. Please send comments to myself and Kir.
Enjoy! Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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Don't even think about it! I left this open to fool you into thinking you could comment here. Send comments to Kir and Jac!!!
*Takes out one of his Master Crafted Sith Swords and stabs Jac right in his happy private place