Announcements - Knight Commander of the Brotherhood


Announcements - Knight Commander of the Brotherhood


I am currently conducting an internal Audit of the Envoys system, to make sure that I have everyone listed on the Mailing list, and that my roster is accurate. If you are an Envoy, and have not responded, or did not receive the notice, please email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with your ID Line, and House/Clan name.

Work on the sourcebook has started. I expect to have most of it done by the end of this month. My Magistrate Jac has gone on leave, so I have temporarily stopped chronicling old websites.

Numerous awards were issued from my Office in the last week. Check the Chancellor's report for more info.

I also promoted 2 Envoys, congrats to JH Ziguarath, and GRD Shadow.

Open Envoys positions will not be listed this week.

In Darkness,

KPN Trevarus Caerick
Knight Commander of the Brotherhood

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