New Poll - Flight Sim Activity


New Poll - Flight Sim Activity

Hi all,

Now that I am no longer bound to my repressive, XvT/XWA-unfriendly college network, I would like to poll the DB about a very old set of games which I (and others) have always loved playing.

There is a poll. Login, at left, choose the Polling Center link and pick the choice which most accurately describes you.

X-Wing vs TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance are two games that used to be a rather strong staple of the Dark Brotherhood. Since the release of many cutting-edge FPS, these games have lost a lot of popularity. It doesn't take a careful observer to note that very few of our members ever make the effort to participate in competitions involving these games - so oftentimes novae and high-level crescents are an easy acquisition.

I would very much like to mobilize our XvT and XWA piloting forces if only for a week or two. I'm not trying to revive these games permanently - I just thought it would be a cool opportunity for people to rush in and play some old games they used to obsess over.

Please take this poll! I am interested in some simple statistics. If it's really successful, I woud love to cooperate with our gaming leaders to work on a larger-scale event where more serious medals are up for grabs. In the meantime, let's see if we can't get some action going on our regular gaming days and revive some of that old XvT/XWA spirit.

Cheers -

DA Pyralis

XVT....XWA....what are these things you speak of :p

I left my copy off XWA and my joystick back at school over break so I won't be able to take part in this, but if an XWA event or two were to be offered in the SW or GJW I would definately be playing for that.

yay flight sims!! :D

May I recommend the purchase of a joystick for more than just XvT/XWA. It also makes the flying sections of Battlefront 2 much, much, much , much, much easier.

I'd love to play XWA. The problem really is the firewall issue. In order for me to host a match, I'd have to deactivate my firewall, which is a pain and something I'd rather not do. It's not like JO/JA which will work through a firewall.

Unless they've figured out a way around that.

You have to open ports 6073, 47624 and the range 2300-2400 in both TCP and UDP. That should sneak you past your firewall for XvT and XWA fun.

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