Dark Sabre Awarded an Amethyst Kukri!


Dark Sabre Awarded an Amethyst Kukri!


Today it was my pleasure to approve the award of an Amethyst Kukri for Epis Dark Sabre. This award came on the heels of two highly-regarded recommendations from Dalthid and Telona. Dalthid wanted to award DS for his long and consistent contributions to the Antei Combat Centre. DS has been very influential there as one of the longest standing staff members. Telona recommended DS for an award based on his work with the Krath website and the Debate competition. I felt that together, the contributions given by Dark Sabre were well worth an AK.

You can view the specific recommendations here.

Thanks for everything, DS! Congrats!

Cool. Congrats DS.

Congrats DS! I was awarded one last month but Jac did not post mine /me shakes his fist at Jac! >:(
Anyways keep up the great work!

Congratulations Dark Sabre.

Congrats DS

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