Announcements - Grand Master


Announcements - Grand Master

Greetings Dark Jedi,

It pains me to have to write this this way... I had hoped to do it on my own terms, but apparently it was decided that I wasn't going to be able to announce my own retirement.

Ah well... that's how life goes sometimes. I've put a load of work into the DB, and now it pretty much seems for naught.

A choice for GM has been made by Kawolski and Ronin. It is not a choice I support, nor am I happy with it. That person is Firefox, and to say I am dismayed would be an understatement.

As for what I intend to do... I plan to rejoin the HCI (Provided they'll have me again). I will not be providing graphics for DB based projects, so please refrain from asking. This may seem petty to some, but after all the work I've put into the DB, I feel I've been rather mistreated during my resignation.

For the DB in general... I wish you all the best of luck under the new GM. I hope that the hard work I have done will not go to waste, but only time will tell that. I will NOT be joining a house or clan, so please do not ask.

My thanks for the kind words of the many who have emailed me. Your kind words are appreciated.

That's all I have to say on this matter. I honestly hope the DB can continue to grow and prosper.

In Service to the Empire,

GM Lord Chi Long
Grand Master Emeritus, Fleet Admiral

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