Sunday Invitational Tournament for March 19th (Advance Notice)


Sunday Invitational Tournament for March 19th (Advance Notice)

Special Event for the Upcoming Sunday Invitational Tournament on March 19th


All Platforms: Jedi Academy, Jedi Outcast, Republic Commando, Battlefront 1 & 2, X-Wing Alliance, X-Wing vs. Tie-Fighter, Allegiance, ACCLive, Jedi Knight

Double Points Day: 2pts on each game you play whether its win or loss

6 games max per person

*MUST be in the #GMRG channel or #acc channel at all times *

Individual Top 5 Crescents to be awarded for the best win loss record

1st place: Amethyst Crescent

2nd place: Sapphire Crescent

3rd place: Emerald Crescent

4th place: Topaz Crescent

5th place: Quartz Crescent

Clan Top 3 highest participation Bonus

1st place: +30 points

2nd place: +20 points

3rd place: +10 points

The last SIT, I missed a special event (My kids hijacked my notebook) I will make up for it this coming SIT.

I will ask that all clan summits let you're members know of this event, and when and where it takes place. Standard RoC rules apply.

Qualifiers list will be out the Friday before, and Lucius can add his ICTE after it is over.

Good Luck to all the clans and players....enjoy, but most importantly..HAVE FUN

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