DC Blogging, part 2


DC Blogging, part 2


I jumped on this bandwagon.

Anyway, I'll leave this open for comment from the other DCers if they do the same...

I know, this isn't a comment of "I'll do the same" from a DCer, but I did have a thought. If this is the direction things are going, and people want regular updates instead of weekly reports, why not just utilize a DCer blog more frequently, and just make the reports a bi-weekly feature, as more of a "list of projects, and in what phase" thing, as well as calls for staff members/assistance with projects, and "less frequent news," or some such?

That's kinda the direction we are headed, as per the discussion going on here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=2810

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