You may all rejoice, due to my intense desire to engage in thoughtless "me too" behavior patterns, I now too have a blog.
If you want to read it(and I don't see why you would) you can find it at
Sure, it's not as sleek and sexy looking as some of the other blogs Summit members have thrown out for you to look at over the last few days, and chances are it's not nearly as informative either.
But, I did install the software myself on my own domain rather than use a ready-made blog site, so I score some cool points there, right?
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I've always wanted to know what the P:HM was up to...
Seriously though - it's good to see people thinking along these lines. We all should give Kaiann the thumbs up on this one. (Hey - I said THUMBS up... 2 digits over, kids!) Give this plan a few months to finally get rolling (decent posts appearing, etc) and it'll be pretty cool.