Jac awarded Silver Sash!


Jac awarded Silver Sash!

While those of you who read the Dark Voice will already know many will not so I would like to take another opportunity to congratulate Jac on his shiney new Silver Sash!

I've included just a small selection of the recommendations below. The full list of over thirty recommendations can be found here.

His Eminence, Grand Master Firefox of the Star Chamber:
One of the toughest aspects of being a Grand Master is to ensure that things get done, that conflicts are kept to a minimum and for members to enjoy themselves. Without constant effort, things can easily go bad.
Somehow Jac has managed to keep the Dark Brotherhood going while working very hard himself on far more than his position indicates. At times, a good Grand Master has to hold the Dark Brotherhood together by sheer strength of will alone.

It would be very easy to simply give in to people's demands and make them happy right now. But someone needs the vision to see years ahead and focus on long term goals while dismissing short sighted immediate rewards. Far too many people still believe that only they should be rewarded. It is good to see that some of us place the needs of the Dark Brotherhood before their own

His Eminence, Grand Master Thedek of the Star Chamber:
Sorry for getting to this so slowly, but Jac completely has my rec for this award. He totally deserves it. I know you said it will go out in the DV, will it be announced in an IRC meeting? I would like to know when, if that was the case... I'd want to show up. =)

Dark Prophet Kaine Mandaala of the Rogue Jedi:
How does one reward someone who is so valuable? How do you express your appreciation for their efforts? The awards available are wholly inadequate for what we see in the man who helps keep us focused, who devotes enough time and energy into everything he puts his hands on, and who make a point to discuss concerns, complaints and criticisms with anyone - personally.
In all my time in the DJB I have not seen such constant devotion from any member. It was his unique value that inspired a unique award - though it was abandoned. I am pleased with a Silver Sash but I feel I will never be able to give him enough to thank him for everything.

Dark Jedi Master Alanna Taldrya of Clan Taldryan:
Having worked with Jac throughout my time as KHP, I can genuinely say that I couldn’t imagine working for any other GM. He was supportive when I wanted to try something new and understanding when my workload got too large to take on extra projects. He managed to stay calm throughout any number of squabbles (other people, not me! >:P), and he was always available to talk, on irc or e-mail. The latter is quite amazing for someone in charge of such a large organization, but I think is testament to his whole attitude to the DB – he really cares about its members... and it’s this quality that makes him such an effective and such an approachable GM.

Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put into the Brotherhood, Jac. It really wouldn’t be the same without you. Long may your reign continue!

Dark Side Adept Kir Taldrya Katarn of Clan Taldryan
We often hear about people who go above-and-beyond to help others in daily life. Generally these Samaritan-esque characters sacrifice their time and occasionally happiness for the betterment of others. While I don't want to suggest that Jac spends his nights chained to a computer as his life slowly decomposes (or maybe I do?), I definitely think he belongs in a story of his own.

Despite having an intensely busy life, Jac still makes more than enough time to be the best Grand Master this club has seen in quite some time.
His personable attitude helps him bridge even the tensest situations, and he quickly befriends most everyone he encounters. He uses his experience to streamline his position and to put his Council to the best use possible. Jac is always open to suggestions from just about everyone, and this open-mind policy has led to many of the great changes we've seen in the past two years. He is relentless in his pursuit of success, and in that he succeeds more often than not.

I count Jac among the best of the friends I have made in the Brotherhood, and I'm both proud of his work and grateful for all his effort. Without him the Brotherhood would be nowhere near the position it is in today, and he deserves far more than any of us can give. Congratulations on your award Jac, and know that all of us appreciate what you do on a daily basis more than you can imagine.

Once again, congrats Jac!


Congrats Jac, well earned, and well deserved.

about time! ;)

Good job Jac, keep it up!


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