Hello all,
I had some unfortunate news waiting for me Monday morning: our Seneschal, Rax, is stepping down fromt he position. As seems to be a running theme in the world of the DB, Rax has had to take on extra responsibility at work and won't be able to devote as much time to the DB. Instead of filling a much needed position that needs full effort, Rax is going to step back to a staff position. He's still going to help out, so that's good!
Anyway, this naturally hurts the coding efforts in the DB. We have a good amount started on the reformation of the site -- Rax has done a ton in his time. But -- we'll move on and make due.
I know a lot of you have contacted me in the past officially and unofficially, but if you have any ASP skills and are willing to do some coding, please mail me.
Thanks to Rax for his time as SCL!
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