I am posting this on behalf of DGM Xanos Sadow:
Since becoming Commander of the Guard Khobai has helped revive what was a dying institution. When he took over a lot of people were ready to lay the GMRG to rest once and for all, but here we are nine months later and interest in the GMRG is better than it has been in a long time. Today the GMRG has purpose, pulling off successfully the fine line between an elite unit and one able to accommodate the whole DB.
Khobai has persevered through a time when many would have thrown in a the towel, despite a troubled public opinion of the GMRG he has helped transform it into something in which many members now find enjoyment. The expansion of the GMRG ranks, the Loyalty system, regular competititions, an upcoming Shadow War; all things that appeal to those looking for something to aim for on a long-term basis, even if they are unable to get promoted elsewhere. He has also incorporated non-gaming elements into the GMRG successfully for the first time, something predecessors have tried but never managed to integrate quite as well as the GMRG in its current incarnation.
All this Khobai has managed while for a consider deal of time being Proconsul alongside his GMRG commitments, and also without the aide of a database, having to maintain all the lists and Loyalty scores on gmrg.darkjedibrotherhood.com manually. He has also begun to apply his knowledge of the real Imperial Royal Guard from the Crimson Empire stories to flesh out the fictional role of the GMRG, something in time we will hopefully see take form even more with things like the GMRG Force Powers etc.
All in all, Khobai has been one of best, if not the best, Commanders of the Guard in recent history. His work has helped keep the GMRG alive when otherwise it would already have been consigned to the history books. For this he more than deserves this Emerald Dagger.
Congrats to the Khobasaurus!
-DGM Xanos Sadow
You rock, Khobs. You've done a great job!
SWL Syn Kaek
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Congratulations you goofy dinosaur.
Hooray for Khobs!
Wait, wouldn't he just devour the award and the person giving it to him? :P
Congratulations Khobai!