I just completed an overhaul of the games list. I added about 15 items, re-organized it, made the coding a bit easier to update, re-did the database table and tested it all out. Now there is a good set of games and I can add more pretty darn easily by changing the table and one file, rather than the table (which was a mess) and 5 files.
Unfortunately, in doing all of this work, I had to clear the list as it was. Sorry -- there was no way to save it. Everyone will need to go in and re-add their games to their dossiers.
Do remember that you can view who has what games by going to the Games Report in the Members Statistics page.
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I keep getting this error when attempting to submit my games:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e2f'
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Record_ID', table 'realdb_sql.realdb.MembersGames'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
/dbjedi/includes/functions.asp, line 89
Try now -- should work.
Forgot to set a primary key.
Thanks for pointing it out.