Well Im happy to announce 2 things. One is that I am finally done with a lot of important RL issues and I have a lot more time to do ICTE now. All my papers have been signed and I can spend as much time as I used to on DJB now :D Second is that we had a lot of EaW matches played, which is awesome. It's 3 CFs for a win and 1 CF for a loss now, so play some EaW if you have not yet. And now, for results:
**ICTE Crescents
**<span style="color:#660099; font-weight:bold">Cr-1A</span>:Ocih of GE - ALL-STAR<span style="color:#3300FF; font-weight:bold">
Cr-1S</span>: Schisca - 10.83 Clusters<span style="color:#009900; font-weight:bold">
Cr-1E</span>: Rasilvenaira - 8.17 Clusters
** website will be updated tomorrow. Huge thanks to Duga for helping me update the site until I learn the magic of FTP and HTML.
Remember double CFs for BF2, BF, RC, and all flying games, triple CFs for Alleg and EaW. My apologies for the lateness of this report. Hope to see you all here tomorrow. Clusters are being awarded as you are reading this :)
ICTE Website: http://icte.starwarsalliance.com/
IRC Guide: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/irc_guide.asp
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all medals recced.