Feud information


Feud information

I do not speak for Taldryan/Arcona on this, so keep that in mind when reading.

due to the short notice which was given to complete this task after Spears' resignation, I have not yet completed a website for this feud. until then, please watch the newspage here.

during the feud, gaming will be going on non-stop for the involved clans. please use the 'other gaming' option in the menu for submitting games. I will be calculating points with the results from there, once each week.

Win loss MP Win MP Loss
JA / JO: 3 1 4 2
XWA/XvT: 3 1 4 2
RC: 6 2
BF (2): 6 2
SWGB: 6 2
EaW: 8 3
MP: matches with more then 2 players.

also: play against people not in your own clan.

Fiction scoring:

Grading: language, originality, and the ability to ‘grab’ the reader.
Scoring: graded 1 through 100, with 1 being the worst, 100 the best. The amount of points gained is equal to half the score. IE: a perfect score gains 50 points. Added to this, 1st place gains 20 additional points, 2nd gains 10, 3rd gains 5 extra.
Length: 2 pages minimum

there are two fiction events for this round:
Fiction 1:
you are the envoy on one of the opponent’s ships during all this. Describe yourdoings, and the activities going around you up to now.
Fiction 2:
You are one of the fighters, either fighting on the planet, in a fighter, or in a capital vessel. What happens around you?

and one graphics event:
this is basically an 'everything goes' event, as long as it is in spirit with the Feud. provide an image capture along with it. screenshots, or an entire painting, it doesn't matter. but part of the grading will be the quality, and the amount of effort that went into it. scoring the same as for fiction.

all entries go to me. I will distribute them to the people judging.

note: gaming will continue for the entire event, no changes there.

the fiction will be due in one week, at this time, in my inbox. the story will be advanced at that point as well, with new events added.

oh, and this whole mess will last for three weeks in total. :P

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