I spent the last few days in the workshop and have released the results: four new double-bladed lightsabers for the Lightsaber Construction Tool.
After long discussion with The Grand Master and his Apprentice, we had decided to make such weapons available to those Dark Jedi who have just recently begun study in the lightsaber forms of Juyo or Shien.
That means that If you are the rank of Sith Battlelord, Krath Epis, or Obelisk Exarch, you can have a lightsaber staff displayed on your dossier. That's two ranks earlier than the rank it was yesterday.
You still must reach the rank of Dark Side Adept to be able to request a custom double-bladed lightsaber. Also, If you bring a Double-bladed Lightsaber into combat, and you do not study the lightsaber forms of Juyo or Shien, you aren't going to be able to use the weapon to the extent of its, or your potential.
Anyway, here's the new saber staff models:
All of these new light-staff weapons are available in order colour trimmed hilts, or plain, and have six choices of Blade color. Log in and go to the 'Lightsaber Construction Tool' to see them.
Major thanks go to Grand Master Jac Cotelin for his lightning-quick implementation on this.<p>
In Darkness,
KPN Muz Keibatsu Sadow (Krath)/HRLD/Dark Council</p>
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Not that anyone reads my blogs, but see, they don't lie :P
To elaborate on what Muz said, don't forget strictly speaking you need either 1 point in Juyo, or Shien, but if you take Shien you need 5 points in Shii-Cho as well to use a double bladed lightsaber.
Not that that stops you putting one on your dossier, but be careful to remember you need the right form if you want to play with it in the ACC without poking yourself in the eye.
Muz FTW! These lightsabres look awesome. I'm not usually one to jump on a bandwagon because it's new, but these are definitely making me reconsider...