Fans Rejoice


Fans Rejoice

Well I know it seems like forever since I posted something. So here it goes,

For those of you who didn't like the changes they did to the ESB, and ROTJ DVDs well you are going to get your wish, Lucasfilm will be releasing ESB, and ROTJ on DVD in their original formats. Here

Also thats when LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy hits stores.

Let Darkness Reign

OE Zekk


Yes Yes YES!!! About time he released the movies in their REAL format!

I'm wondering if Lucas even remembers what the original storyline was? And a Legos trilogy?!? I'm there!!! hehehe

Personaly the ONLY thing I didn't liked of the new edition of the OT is how the screwed up the glows of the lightsabers. How's possible the very thing they have created from nowhere amolst 30 years ago, is made soo bloody ugly today ? bah !!

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