Mailing lists now on Google Groups


Mailing lists now on Google Groups

Howdy again,

I got on a roll and decided to finish everything up tonight. So after 4 hours of clicking, the mailing lists are transferred. Just a couple of general notes:

  1. Some of you may have received multiple unsubscribe or "you're already subscribed" messages. Ignore those. Once you are in the grup on the Google site, you're in.

  2. I have set all of the prefixes to work like they used to as "[GroupName] Subject of email"

  3. Please note that we were unable to get the mailing lists for Gladius, Bane and Tarentum. The Google Groups mailing lists are HouseGladius, HouseBane and ClanTarentum, respectively. You only need to know this for your filters. The old addresses of, for example, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] still point to the correct place.

  4. YOU DO NOT NEED TO CHANGE WHERE YOU SEND MAIL. The old mailing list addresses for the domain have been turned into forwarding addresses. Just keep using [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  5. I will set up the Consuls as administrators as soon as they are all in the groups. Consuls will then be in charge of making sure that their other leaders have the level of access the COnsul wants them to have.

Please let me know if you encounter any problems.


I can't seem to confirm my subscriptions to the new lists for some reason.

heres a dumb question; why did you change the mailing lists to begin with? Wasn't the old mailing system good enough?

Try going to the url manually rather than clicking on the confirm button, I had a couple of the lists do that to me but once I went to the direct url rather than click it off the email it worked fine.

Several reasons, the principle ones being:-
1. A bug was discovered in the mailing lists whereby when a Consul transferred someone between Houses they were removed from their Clan list. This was totally unacceptable so we had to find something better.
2. Recently has been getting blacklisted by lots of people, making it very hard to use the mailing lists. Nearly anyone with a gmail account has been blacklisted. Consuls and Quaestors being unable to send email to their Clans for several days at a time just wasn't good enough.

There are other reasons as well. In particular the fact google will get far less spam. There were some mailing lists that were getting bombarded with viagra spam every day. These also give much more control to the Consuls and Quaestors, as they can now see who is on their lists and manually add people or take them away. That's helpful when you consider that previously if somebody hadn't subscribed due to a glitch not only would nobody realise but nobody other than Jac directly could fix it. The old lists also had the problem of that anybody could subscribe to anything and nobody would know about it which, which has confidentiality problems when it comes to Feuds, GJWs, etc.

The first two points I mentioned were the main ones though. Excessive blacklisting coupled with us having recently discovered bugs that were removing people from the lists for no reason made the change necessary.

Ah ic, thanks for the info!

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