Resolution of the Selen Incident


Resolution of the Selen Incident

I have been asked to deliver the following statement from the Consuls of both Taldryan and Arcona:

The Selen Incident has been resolved, the mis-communication by both sides now fully rectified. Priest Werdna Elbee and Hunter Apollyon "Odium" Dinaarius has been returned to their Clan. The Taldryan forces have returned to their vessels, as the fleet has now returned to Karufr.

Details of the agreement between both side will not be released, each Clan regretting their mistakes and agreeing to drop any further aggression at this time.

In Darkness,

Dark Side Adept Halcyon Rokir Arconae

Consul of Clan Arcona

Obelisk Prelate Duga Arkarso

Consul of Clan Taldryan

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