Halc promoted to Dark Jedi Master!


Halc promoted to Dark Jedi Master!

"Ascendant," the Grand Master said slowly and carefully, "what does thou desire of the dark side?"
"Mastery," Halcyon replied.

I apologise on Jac's behalf that he isn't the one making this announcement but time caught up with him before he had a chance to put everything together. That said, on behalf of the Grand Master I would like to invite everyone to pay tribute to one of the great members of the Brotherhood today, Halcyon Rokir Arconae.

Normally it would be necessary for a long list of reasons and accomplishments but today I feel is rather unique given how hard it would be to put into words all the things Halcyon has done over the past two years. Since his elevation to Dark Adept a little over two years ago Halcyon has served in a long succession of positions, starting out again at BTL, then onto AED, QUA, PCON and finally CON, as well as P:CM and later DCM, more recently he has also taken up a position on the CoJ as RHoJ. Halc's line of work has seen him interact with nearly everyone in the DB, something the long list of recommendations recieved on his behalf are evidence thereof.

It is rare for someone not on the Dark Council to come so far, it is rarer still for someone who has never been on the council to manage it, but Halcyon has done both. He is living, walking proof that anything is possible in this club if you set your mind to it and it is therefore a great privilege to be able to elevate him today to the full status of Dark Jedi Master.

The full, though by no means complete (hopefully Jac will update it when he returns) list of recommendations can be found here.

Congratulations, Master Rokir, may you continue to serve your clan proud.

His Eminence
Dark Jedi Master Xanos Zorrixor
Deputy Grand Master of the Brotherhood

Yay Halc!

Halc... I love you.


Well done, Halcyon. Congrats!

Great job Halc! Congrats!

Bravo! Congrats Dark Jedi Master Halcyon!

Congratulations, Halc. Well deserved. Been waiting to see you achieve this for a while. :-P


Congratulations Halc! You deserve this!

Booooo. Hissssssss. I no longer outrank Halc (again)! Heh. All kidding aside, congratulations, Halc. But you still suck. :P

Congrats, Halc.


What is thy biding my master.

Congratulations.......bitch :P

Hurray! Drinks on Halc! This will be expensive for you ;o)


Congratz Halc!

Halcyon! And on, and on...


The sauce. 'tis awesome. Good on ya, Halc.

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