Problems lately


Problems lately

Hey all,

I just got back from Europe about 3 hours ago. Good trip.

If you haven't noticed yet (read new post below), there are some problems running around, mainly evolving from random items with the GJW. These problems have not been handled properly at all. I have just emailed the Dark Council (which now includes the Consuls) to chew them out for the incompetency in leadership that has been displayed over the last few days. I have told them that I don't care who is to blame, full-time DC or Consuls or whatever -- the inability to compromise, make resolutions and get along without me being around to hold their hand is absolutely unacceptable.

As a side note, what the Consuls posted on the news page is not always a bad thing when used as a measure of last resort. However, neither side of the recent problems has given a truly good-faith effort to resolve the problems internally. The news page is the last place to take an issue; the job of the leaders of the DB is to work together, not asgainst each other. As I have told the DC -- the very least they could have done was wait 24 hours for my return.

There are problems with this GJW, but it is nothing that cannot be fixed. I will fix it.

As always, I can't fix things if you don't speak up. If you have a problem with anything in the DB at all, you need to come to Goat and I -- we can resolve nothing if you tell us nothing.


<3 Jac

Cool, Jac. I recently returned from Japan physically, though not temporally... Damn 13-hour shift. =P Where did you go on your travels? I mainly stayed in the Kansai region (Kyoto/Osaka) and had a three day stay in Tokyo.

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