Two years ago I created the Hall of Immortals as a place to honor those members who deserve beyond a doubt to be remembered within the lore of the Brotherhood. Those who have been entered into the Hall of Immortals have acheived great things in their time within the Brotherhood. These are the leaders that have not only helped to sustain the activity in the Brotherhood, but have helped to change the very foundations of the organization. The two previous inductees were Alanna and Trev -- the first in a long line of people to induct.
Today we honor His Royal Highness Justinian Arcanious Khyron by inducting him into the Hall of Immortals.
For those of you who did not have the pleasure of serving with Khyron, I can only hope that what is said about the man does him justice. Khyron was one of the greatest Grand Masters to hold the title, and he held it twice. The era that he presided over is often called the "Golden Age" of the Brotherhood, and rightly so. Khyron was the leader that oversaw the expansion of new houses and clans, ran the first vendetta and created the Grand Master's Royal Guard. He wrote the foundation for much of what is in the Codex today, and was imperative in running the Brotherhood's first online presence. The Brotherhood expanded and thrived under his leadership
The Sith King, as he is called, is as wise as he is ruthless. He understands the importance of his role in the Brotherhood. He watches over us from his position as Lord of the Star Chamber. Khyron's interest is the long-term success of the Brotherhood. We should all be greatful for his presence.
Little did I know a little over nine years ago that the member I tapped to be my Deputy Grand Master would have such a profound impact on the Brotherhood. His impact has truly been great. The Brotherhood would not be what it is today without the work of Khyron. We all owe him a big thanks!
You may read about Khyron in the Hall of Immortals section of the Dark Side Compendium. I also urge you to read the narrative that Oberst provided to illustrate Khyron's character and influence. It is perhaps one of the best pieces of fiction I've read in the DB and helped to earn Oberst an AK. A huge thanks goes out to him for the story and for researching and writing out Khyron's bio.
Now, please join me now in honoring Lord Khyron!
Grand Master Jac Cotelin
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All hail the Sith King! I have read Khyron's bio, and I can honestly say, Oberst did an outstanding job with it, and I know Khyron is pleased with his work. Definitely an excellent piece, and a rightful addition to the Hall of Immortals.