In just over ten days, Doni Tzu Tarentae will join the small circle of members that have been with this organization for over ten years.
Ten years.
Only nine other people are on record as being within this group so long. Donitz is one of four that remain steadily active to this day. As Khyron so aptly stated: "Hell, on tenure alone he deserves it..."
After ten long and prosperous years as a member of this organization, it is my absolute pleasure to announce the elevation of Doni Tzu Tarentae into the ranks of the Elders. Donitz, I hereby promote you to the rank of Dark Side Adept.
For those of you who have never had the pleasure of working with or talking to Donitz, I hope that some day you might have the chance to do so. There is much to learn from his depth of knowledge and years of experience. I say it to him every time I talk to him: I need to do so more often. Each conversation we have opens up new ideas and new chances for positive change. If there has ever been an idea man, Donitz is him. From Amalgamation to the Wargames to the GJW and the DB in general, Donitz has helped me personally over the past year on a variety of issues, and for that I thank him.
When you look at Donitz's overall record of service, what you see is not only a man who has led units, but a member that has been content to let others take the lead on projects that he surmised. He has been a helping hand to the leaders and regular members of every generation of the Brotherhood. He has been a person to go to for sound advice and counsel. He has been an innovative leader on his own, always striving to make positive changes in the units entrusted to him. Donitz, as Bloodfyre appropriately stated, is simply an amazing member.
I count us as fortunate to have members like Donitz here still to this day. He has made vast imprints on the Brotherhood, and continues still to leave his mark. This promotion is long overdue; I will be the first to tell you that there is no reason why Donitz should not be an Elder member already. This is a person who has served with steadfast commitment to the Brotherhood. He has been a constant asset to low and high ranking members alike. Truly, he has waited patiently as younger members were promoted over him.
Donitz, wait no longer. You may be justifiably proud of this promotion and all that you have done for the Brotherhood. You have earned my respect and the gratitude of all of our members. Let your rank now reflect that which you so appropriately deserve.
Thank you for all that you do.
In Eternal Darkness,
Grand Master Jac Cotelin
**Please do read the accompanying recommendations here.
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OMG...about time on this one!
Outstanding job Doni Tzu
Damn straight. I've said it many times; Donitz is an amazing person, and he is one of the reasons that I can be an effective leader. He helped me in tremendous ways when I was SHW, and he was the only choice I knew I could make for Aedile, when I became Quaestor of Tridens. Congratulations, my friend.
Congratulations Don :)
Congratz :)
Ma'ar took my comment :P
Gratz Doni, this was a looooong time coming
Congratulations Donitz!
congrats :D
Congrats Donutz!! ;)