Manesh Sadow promoted to Dark Side Adept


Manesh Sadow promoted to Dark Side Adept

Greetings all,

I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the work of one of the Brotherhoods long standing members, the current Consul of Clan Naga Sadow, former Fleet Admiral and various other things; Manesh Sadow.

When I first joined the Dark Brotherhood nearly seven years ago Manesh was one of the first people I met. The then Sith Warrior Manesh Pillai was the same active, helpful, relaxed and enthusiastic Manesh he is today. For one who has put so much effort and time into the club it is rare to not see the strains of time, but Manesh has weathered the storm and remains as easy going as ever, not tired or burnt out like many of his generation. As Quaestor he was a rock on which House Ludo Kressh was built, holding down the job for almost two years, the same Manesh right through to the very end, helping to nurture a House through its infancy. I myself owe him thanks for giving me a chance at Aedile even when there were others who were at the time more deserving of the spot, I often wonder how things would be today had he not given me that chance.

To the present and seven years later Manesh has been Quaestor again, Proconsul, and now Consul, a position that has taken him eight years to finally reach. Eight years, and in all that time he has moved no further than Warrior to Warlord. To me Manesh earned Dark Side Adept years ago, long before the Split, in those days when he was Quaestor but when getting beyond Battlemaster for a Quaestor was unheard of. In the time since he has remained a rock on which the Clan has been strengthened, becoming one of the Sons, one of the few to maintain an active role to the present day. Reading through the list of recommendations myself it is pleasant to see him still having the same affect on new members today that he did all those years ago.

Eight years is a worryingly long time. I was 12 eight years ago- and it seems like an eternity. It scares me sometimes to think just how long some people have been in this club. It amazes me more to think how long Manesh has been here and yet how little he has ever been rewarded for it. A lesser man would have thrown in the towel long ago, yet it’s testament to the fact Manesh does what he does both because he enjoys it and because he does it for the Clan; Manesh is the kind of member I wish we had more of. Having weathered the personal persecution of Astatine back during the Emperor’s Hammer as well as eight long years of service and commitment, together with no real recognition, I can think of nothing more apt than to see him become an Elder.

Congratulations, Adept.

For the full list of recommendations please go here.

His Eminence
Dark Jedi Master Xanos Zorrixor
Master of the Inner Order of Clan Naga Sadow
Son of Sadow, Consul Emeritus

Yay, Manesh! Congratulations. Of course, this means you get to buy everyone else a drink :P


^__^ Congrats Manesh!!!

Congrats Manesh, deffiently worthy of such a ranking.....

Gratz, certainly well deserved

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