Episode III Layout Revamp: Wide-Screen Version


Episode III Layout Revamp: Wide-Screen Version

Greeting, all!

I had a bout of frustration tonight when I was working on some coding things. The size of the site was just too small for me to do what I was doing properly.

If you're like me, you still like the dark Episode III design. If you're also like me, you probably have your resolution set high and get annoyed by the lost "real estate" on the edges of the site.....Fret no longer, my friends.

I have just posted a new iteration of the Episode III Cyris Sith Style on the site. This layout, called "Episode III Wide Screen" has a new top banner that lets you take the website all the way up to 1800 pixels wide. Yaaaay!

You can change your layout here.


NOTE: You will probably need to refresh your page once or twice to get the new header. If that doesn't work -- try choosing the layout again.

Also, please note that I have changed the default layout back to the 800x600 Episode III Cyris Sith style. This is due to the versatility of that layout; it is smaller for new visitors to download and will fit on just about every monitor.

ohhh that rocks...thanks...back to darkness :)

Jac did I ever tell you I loved you?


The new layout images aren't showing up for me.

the whole site was screwed till I changed it back to the cool lay out


new layout = sexy on 1920x1200

Btw, dossiers are rather messed up with the smaller design because of the size of the robes and GoA (and some lightsabers)

Oh holy krath... that was so nice =P We now have wiiiiiide screeeen bwooooooow Seriously, that was a good thing. All hail Jac!

I always preferred the dark one, love the widescreen :D

Yup this widescreen layout kicks some major butt. Great job Jac!

Most excellent! Good thinking Jac, I'm most pleased by the widescreen version!!! :)

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