After recieving a request to take down work on the DBPA website today, for possible infractions of the DB Covenant, we've put up a new DBPA website
and here it is
I would like to thank Acara Rayden for coming up with this lay out so quickly and I specially want to thank Aabsdu Dupar for all his hard work with the DBPA.
I want both of you to know that all your hard work is much appreciated and that both of you are assets to the DB and the DBPA.
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Excellent website, i must commend those involved in its creation! Good job!
It takes way too long to load for me. I haven't even seen the site yet and I've been sitting here for....ten minutes. :-P
It is a sweet site and it is still under construction wait until Acara, Aabsdu and myself start adding our character bios with screenshots of our city, space combat and guild group missions.
It is cool, though I think that the contents box should be a little bigger. Just one idea, since the options box is so small and there's all that extra space to the left. At least on my screen there is
I'm not even in the DBPA, and I think the site looks awesome! Great job!
Well I look forward to finishing the site with Aabsdu and Acara, we will try to add interactive stuff and our SWG character bios, its gonna rock!
This rocks, good work!!
The intro and the site look great so far. One suggestion, how about offering an alternative URL for those that don't want to sit and watch the FLASH intro over and over again when visiting the site? :P
Great idea, we will get right on it.