The exam is now live, just cruise on over to the Deneba campus and you'll find it. As always, if it doesn't show up just refresh the page and it will.
Big thanks go out to Aabsdu and Derev for helping me write the course.
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I'm pleased to see another history course at the SA, but this one felt more like a regurgitation of the same Sith history that can be found throughout the DJB, rather than a more detailed and involved lesson. I found the exam to be far too simplistic as well. Maybe it was just me, but I felt the exam made it far too easy for copy/paste, rather than requiring members to actually read the material and then explain their answers in their own words. Overall though, not a bad course for a quick SA credit.
I would like to see a course based on Sith, Krath and Obelisk Technology.
We know that the sith developed Starships, weapons and Temples, so I am sure that with proper research we can dig into what they based their technology on.
Also a Mandalorian history could be interesting since the Mandalorians have been given a large roll in the Star Wars universe.
Well, Raid, if you have course ideas you'd like made submit them to myself and Anshar in the form of a rough course outline. Let us know what you want the course to be about, how you would cover it, and why it would be a good candidate for addition to the Shadow Academy. If we like the idea you'll get your commission to write it and have first crack at becoming the EP of the course.
I think your ideas are pretty good, but probably not something that I'll be writing. The material just doesn't interest me enough for me to spend a few weeks developing it into a course, but if you want to do it yourself feel free to follow the steps I just outlined to give it a shot.