39 Events.
77 Days.
250 Players.
1366 Submissions.
And in the end, someone had to win.
So, while you might head off to the results page to study every number in detail, I'll just give you the quick and dirty here.
The last Gold Nova winner is Saitou, now to be rechristened Tommy.
On the individual winner list, eight players have managed to break 1000 points:
8th, GRD Tyno from Scholae Palatinae, with 1014.
7th, OPM Benevolent Taldrya Whiner, with 1042.
Just one point better, 6th, DJK Melkor Corsair, Tarentum: 1043.
A dual helping of Scholae Palatinae comes next: DJK Rasilvenaia StormRaven takes 5th with 1201...
...and 4th Arania Lawakiro Palpatine, 1327 and, at 28, the highest count of events played.
Which brings us to the top 3:
1575 points help Duga Taldrya Arkarso to the bronze spot.
Catching him at the last second and nabbing the silver - KPN Troutrooper from Tarentum, 1598.
And the winner is, by a substantial margin and with the beautiful score of 2001 points, Obelisk Templar Lucius Niroth.
But what you really wanted to know - which Clan did take it in the end ? Well, first the ones that did not:
With 5,131 points, Clan Plagueis marks the end of the scale. Still, quite an impressive score.
In fifth place, 7,499 points are on record for Clan Tarentum. Still the absolute dominant force when it comes to space sims.
In fourth, 8,336 points go to the RPG and Battlefront experts from Scholae Palatinae.
Third, a Clan with no special forte, but more importantly no real weakness - Clan Arcona's 9,127 points show that a solid presence in every event type can be quite lucrative.
And now...
you want to know the winner.
The score is 12,735 to 13,100.
One Clan the dominant creative force and JA leader, the other a complete domination in JO and Single Player events.
Sorry, Naga Sadow. Your catch-up run was impressive, coming back from 2,400 points down to losing by a mere 354. But this second place is something to be more than proud of. I have to go very far back to find a vendetta where it really came down to the very last event to determine the victor. You did not give up, and you are at least champions in spirit.
And now, spotlight on the Great Jedi War VI champions: Clan Taldryan. What can I say about this Clan that has not been said yet ? Whenever there was real dominance to be had and whenever the lead came into question, Taldryan delivered yet another impressive show of teamwork. When Naga Sadow delivered a 2nd and 3rd in pinball, I almost thought this would be it - but then I looked at the Taldryan run: 6th - 8th - 11th - 12th - 13th - 15th - 17th. This is what made Taldryan win - the desire and motivation to play and give one's best even when the personal win or the Nova was out of reach. And it was these team scores that decided the war.
Congratulations, Taldryan. You have proven a worthy champion in one of the closest Vendettas in DJB history.
This almost concludes the 6th Great Jedi War - The Enemy Within. A few things remain to be done: The last fiction update, recommending all the medals, making a submission archive available. But I'll say it today - both the numbers and the quality of this war have blown me away. In spite of all the problems and the things that could have been better, I am proud of the Brotherhood to have seen such a competition to its intense and deserved conclusion.
Thank you to everyone who has made this a success. And a big "nyah nyah" to those who wanted to see it fail.
The war is over. May the Brotherhood become stronger in its wake.
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Well played Taldryan, I'll say we thought we had you there at the end, but it was a well played event, and ya'll did good. Congratz on taking the war, and may I be the first to say, you've got it coming in the next Vendetta :)
w00t Tal PWNS!!!!!! and good job everyone else!
Thx Derev. We thought you had us at the end there too! ;)
Congratulations to the winners! As a "newbee", it is refreshing to see such a competitive spirit amongst all the members, and I am truly looking forward to participating in the future of the Brotherhood.
Congrats Lucius and Taldryan :D
Congrats to everyone who participated, and especially to the event winners, Lucy and the Tally champs...quite deserving of victory :)
Congratz to everyone :)
Great job, everyone! To my peeps in CSP, good show! =D