I <s>hate</s> love how active you all are -- this took me forever.
9748 medals from the GJW have been posted to the database. This includes 8175 Clusters of Fire for matches played by you folks. Amazing.
Just a few more things to give out and we'll be all done. Things like the MVP awards will be out asap.
Note: you will NOT be receiving emails for the medals from the GJW proper. Please check your dossier to ensure that you received the right amount of Novae, Seals and CFs. Let me know if any are missing.
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I got medals! I'm alive!
does the Yacko dance
Oh come on, not even 10k in awards, you guys suck :p
Great work to everyone who participated and great work to you guys who processed all of those awards.
You can make it an even 10,000 by giving me the remainder in assorted CF's DC's and GC's. Make sure to throw in one of everything I'm missing as well. ;)