It's back! Jaccy's Really <s>CUMB</s> DUMB Competition!
Those of you who were here back in '04 should remember: these are the <s>best</s> dumbest competitions on the universal scale. You should participate!
Just answer the question on the page and that's it! Every couple weeks I'll award frequent participants and every week I will Yay the people that win the categories of "Most Fastest Answer," "Most Bestest Answer," "Most Dumbest Answer," and whatever else I feel like for the write-in answers.
This one goes until Tuesday!
Remember you can go back and look at past JRDCs too to see what has and hasn't won.
p.s. I probably could have found something better to do with my time, but seriously -- JRDCs are awesome, so suck it, haters.
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omg omg Yaaaaaay!
fer ze bruddahoot!
thats pretty fricken funny :-D Green LASER poo !!! :p
Dumbmaster Jac Cotelin, you always bring the very best competitions.
lol i this was an interesting experience ;)
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111111111 JRDC!!!!!!! It's just like back in the old days when you were CON of Tal =P
Green LASER poop!