State of the Servers Address


State of the Servers Address

So, since I was bored today, I decided to actually work on the servers. Antei as you may know was screwed up, and Kr'Tal has been having issues with voting.

Well after fighting with our hosting company for a wile I got the FTP fixed on Antei and I reloaded the entire server to start fresh. Antei is now up and running. It is running JA+ 2.4 beta, also it is running the Academy Map v2. The voting how ever still does not work correctly (This will be worked on shortly).

Kr'Tal has been unchanged during todays events. It remains a JAE pure server with no extra maps. The voting issue on it remains unchanged (This will also be fixed shortly).

The servers:

Antei Training Center DBROX

Kr'Tal Gaming Server DBROX

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