Special Announcement, and Sunday Invitational Tournament for September 24th


Special Announcement, and Sunday Invitational Tournament for September 24th

Job well done goes out to everyone that played, this was the biggest turnout Ive seen in sometime.

Clans with the highest participation
1st place: Clan Arcona
2nd place: Clan Plagueis
3rd place: Clan Scholae Palatinae

Individual Winners
1st: Rasilvenaira StormRaven 16-5 record
2nd: *TIE*Karel Bruth` Kothae 12-3 record
2nd: *TIE*Xayun Erinos 12-3 record
3rd: Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae 10-15 record
4th: Hel-Pa Sklib 10-8 record
5th: Dox Romanae 8-9 record

Clan Arcona: 1152 + 768 = 1920
Karel Bruth` Kothae: 78
Odin Vaaj Bruth'Kothae: 84
Malidir d'Tana: 36
Nadrin Jubolt: 14
Selene d'Tana: 34
JScumm: 10

Clan Naga Sadow: 1670 + 114 = 1784
Raven: 14
Xayun Erinos: 78
Lucius Niroth: 6
Ruluk Okoth: 16

Clan Plagueis: 918 + 88 = 1006
Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar al'Tor: 18
Jaden Kyrath: 8
Schisca Archaon Azytzeen: 10
Rannik 'Warhammer' Narius: 6
Dax Corrin: 32
niman master: 16

Clan Scholae Palatinae: 1478 + 603 = 2081
RevengeX Palpatine: 18
Tyno: 114
Rasilvenaira StormRaven: 186
Malaki: 6
Maximilian Kandra: 78

Clan Taldryan: 2064 + 76 = 2140
Hel-Pa Sklib: 76

Clan Tarentum: 2066 +136 = 2202
Frosty Romanae Tarentae: 28
Maarek: 36
Dox Romanae: 72

All CF's, and Crescents have been recc'd. I will update the sheet on the Forums either tonight or tomorrow.
Now as I said I have a special announcement.

This may come as a shock to some, and some may have seen it coming in the last few weeks. As of September 30th, I will be resigning as Tribune, Ive had a fun time in the position it allowed me to meet a lot of different people. Also getting to work with some I would have never been able to as well. Some are going to ask Why?, well my real life has been put on hold for alot of reasons, work, 2nd part time job, and well getting back into paintball as big as I have recently, reminds me of 2000 when I was just as big into it. So Real life got me on this one, noone in this club had any factor as Ive heard, that with the DB vs ID flop, and the "Arania Factor" I was to be fired...LOL
Well to all the gamers, out in the DB, dont worry I wont be going to far. I still plan on being around, just not as much as I have been in the past.
You all are the best, some have made my job a total nightmare (Thanks Morg :P) Others well, I couldnt ask for anything more. There is a lot of people I would like to thank, but you have already read my email that was sent out.
So for now peeps....keep the CF's flowing, and please try to make the next Tribune's job easy for him/her
(BTW: Im guessing when Jac is ready to ask for applications he will post it......)

Well thats all for now, thanks for making my last SIT, a big event...awesome job guys and gals!!!


I'm sorry to hear of you leaving smoke and I have enjoyed being a member of your staff good luck man

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