Armor Shipment Arrives


Armor Shipment Arrives

The shipment of armor from an old imperial factory we recently aquired has finally arrived. Each member that is ranked Knight or higher has been issued a set of standard armor, very much like the stormtroopers of years past.



Log into the robe construction tool to put the armor on your dossiers, if you want. There's a few options that mess with color schemes and such. Play around with it.

In Darkness,
DA Muz Keibatsu Sadow (Krath)/HRLD/Dark Council

Okay....I vote that Muz so totaly kicks ass.

Thanks Muz, for this and all the work you have done for us. And the armor looks great.

OT Dranik

Awesome. Suddenly I thought about black armor for the black guard :P

very cool :)

Any Mandalorian Armor?

I do not see an armor option in the robe construction tool, am I looking in the right place?

Nevermind I found it! :P

Very cool stuff, Muz.

Muz, you rock

Those belt pouches do look a lot like ipods though =P

There may be Mandalorian in the future, though, as with the robes, you can expect the different armour styles to unlock at different ranks, I would expect Mandalorian, given its rarity, to be quite high up.

AFAIK Muz has other designs in the works as well. Like he mentioned on the Herald report comments, stuff for the Royal Guard will probably be available at some point. IIRC I think there are also plans for other common armour styles like are in Star Wars Galaxies etc.

Kaine's robes ( may interest you if you like Mandalorian.


The Muz has struck again! Cool armor.

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