New Clone Wars Cartoon?


New Clone Wars Cartoon?

Just came across this article and thought you folks might like to read it. Click Here

This was also on CNN and TheForce.Net yesterday. Seems pretty cool. I can't wait for it to start.

I hope he settles for Cartoon Network instead of trying to get it to work on something like Fox. CN will make it succeed. Fox will treat it like Saturday Morning programming, meaning they'll air it at like 6 AM and all out of order.

I didn't see any mention of who is working on it though... I imagine it's a crew combined from LFL/ILM and LucasArts. Hopefully they'll throw some screens up on the official site soon. I know LFL likes to generate long-standing hype, so if these are supposed to air sometime in 2007, they'll be throwing out teaser pics by Christmas.

3D == better ...apparently


3D makes it easier to be consistent since you just reuse the same models and environments, and 3D is somewhat faster than traditional animation (though I know there are enough people out there who'd fight me on that -- John Kricfalusi, Gennedy Tartovsky to name a couple).

Just think - traditional animation is a minimum of 30 frames drawn per second. Drawn. By hand. It's hard to do anything, let alone anything good traditionally. Usually one person will draw key frames and every single in-between is handled by another person. Sure you could have like 20 people animating a 5-minute scene, but that's expensive to go through the process of Principal Animation, Cel, Paint, and film. Oh and don't forget background artists...

3D - well - it kind of does it for you. You set key frames and it fills in between them. And once you animate it it's a matter of the level of detail rendered that determines the finished product.

The big-budget 3D stuff is done in layers re-composited together, but that's not all that tough. You just render the same scene multiple times with elements "hidden" that you don't need in that render. They'll do a Background render, Mids (anything directly behind the action layer), Action, and foreground -- all from one person's animation -- and then throw it all together in a video editing program.

Yeah I know a lot about how the process works... I mean - I went to school for it :)

well CN has already done a Clone Wars Season 1 and 2 that was in between Episode 2 and 3, So I hope they branch out and do more of the other parts of the clone wars, it was limited to just Anakin, and Obi focusing on the other jedis and planets that were under attack, would so rule.
but I guess time will tell if its does good, but I agree with putting it on Cartoon Network, running it on another station would ruin the series

I'm reasonably schooled in that sort of thing too. Clone Wars 2D used Vector graphics, as seen in Flash cartoons but better, so it isn't much different to 3D stuff in many respects. Stick in a few cheats like just small changes (like only the mouth moving) and you have a pretty good foundation to build a 2D cartoon on almost on par with 3D.

Clone Wars 2D had a very cool style and I just think its a shame it has to be booted out for shiny new 3D (which is very hard to do with extra style).

This is a little out of date, the idea that is, not the article. The Clone Wars, while still popular, is old meme. Episode III insured that. The Clone Wars doesn't need to be expanded on, it's the period during Episode III and directly afterwards that do.

The aftermath of the new empire's creation, the subjugation non-human species, these are what need to be covered. Anikan exterminating the remaining Jedi and the survivors attempting to fight back or hide.

Also, the first clone wars cartoon was made to please 3+ year olds. Cheesy graphics and power stances for hard core fighting. Clones were displayed to be unbeatable dreadnoughts while machines as evil Nazi creations. It was all too biased and retracted from the magic that Star Wars made.

I was only able to bare watching that cartoon because of the 'canon' material in it. Any new cartoon should be of higher quality graphically (which I suppose they are trying), and canonically.

~DJK Vodo

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