To those that have been speaking to me lately and who have noticed my progressively increasing slowdown, this should come as no surprise. I am here before you today to announce my resignation from the position of Master At Arms and my retirement from the Dark Brotherhood as a whole.
I have served the Brotherhood in a number of capacities for an extended amount of time just over 8 years now to be exact. In that time Ive served on every level, from battleteam leader to Dark Council member and I cannot say that I regret any of that service. For the most part, even while being expelled for Mutiny when we were under the Emperors Hammer, I still enjoyed myself. Being given the chance to serve as Master At Arms and steer this position another direction was a great honor. However, now it has come to an end.
In recent months, specifically since late August and starting into September, my responsibilities in real life have grown exponentially. They have far outstripped what I expected they would and now, I find myself significantly stressed to take care of these daily expectations let alone the amount of stress that a Master At Arms feels on a day to day basis. This doesnt even take into account the stress I put on myself to try to make significant substantive changes to the medal and promotional system. As the months of this year advance, I find myself being given more to do everyday. And I have realized that it is no longer fair to either me or to the Brotherhood for me to continue in my role. To be perfectly honest, I have also lost quite a bit of interest in the Brotherhood as a whole. Someone who feels indifferently about the organization should not be entrusted to make major changes to a system that matters so much to his constituents.
I am highly grateful to those that have been supportive of me during my tenure. Obviously, I need to thank Jac for giving me this chance. You must forgive me Jac, for, though I believe we have made much progress, it was not as much progress as I had hoped for. Fortunately, whoever succeeds me will be blessed with a myriad of documents that will help guide them to finishing our projects. I would thank Goat but then I would be soliciting a 20 page Goat-essay. So Ill pass. To those on the Dark Council who have been supportive and tolerant of my abrasiveness, I thank you. I tip my hat to my two closest associates and assistants who have helped me with the primary part of the job in the last few months, Halc and Kraval. I thank my two Magistrates Derev and Sildrin (both of whom are moving onto better things) for their work in some of the technical aspects of my projects. Much love directed towards Clan Taldryan; the Clan that will remain my home.
Id like to thank my close circle of friends and associates over the past years. Specifically, Bloodfyre for being obnoxiously arrogant but substantively sound many times; Spears for much the same minus the substantive part; Trev for being way too pretentious by even his standards; Oberst because he is Oberst (for those of you who cant appreciate that, suck it); Tarax for providing an easy target of ridicule even though he knows I love him; Pyralis for being the biggest pain in the ass in the entire Brotherhood and subsequently retiring so that some truly legitimate work could be achieved; Halc for being a good bitch; Krav for being a good sub-bitch; Chaos for watching football with me; Ziggy for the lube; my other consorts, Erinyes and Cym for being good in bed; Duga for being a good Consul; Ben for his stupid force pushes in JO; all the Tal people for being Tal (Tal pwnz), and Chi for being the greatest man to walk the face of the planet ever. For anyone that I missed, you know you pwn. Unless I dont like you. In which case you suck.
So thus, I am ending my Brotherhood career. I anticipate being extremely busy for the remainder of the year though I will be placing myself in Dinaari of Taldryan as a regular member. I intend to enjoy myself as a member in the standard social capacity that I have always enjoyed. To whoever succeeds me cough Halc cough - you have no idea what youre getting yourself into; but have fun. Because when youre not having fun anymore, you end up like me.
And with that, I bid you adieu.
Dark Side Adept Syn Kaek
Master At Arms
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I'm sure I speak for most of the Brotherhood, and thank you for your service as MAA. Taldryan welcomes you, and I hope everything works out RL. Godspeed.
Actually, you don't speak for most of the Brotherhood. It sounds like you don't know Kaek. :P
Kaek, you are quite possibly one of the biggest pains in my ass ever. You are a medal Nazi, and for that, you have been one of the best Masters-at-Arms ever. You set standards that are impossible to reach, and yet, you manage to attain them through the doubts and disbeliefs of many. You have an insight into things that is not shared by many, and you have the respect of Clan Tarentum.
But since you're going back to Taldryan, you are also a hooker. And a cheap one at that. I think I have two bucks on me...
Oh, and for those who don't understand Bf-speak, yes, I love the Kaek. :P
Don't pick on Hel-pa, he's only a Jedi hunter... He's not "equipped" to defend himself.
But Thanks much for you time as MAA. You're standards were impossible, but made the achievment all that much more rewarding. We look forward to your presence within the halls of Taldrya.
I call seconds after Bloodfyre
<3 Kaek
That is all
Oh what to say, what to say, what to say...
stabs Kaek in the eye with his elbow
Naturally, I am saddened by your departure, but I should have seen it coming. In fact, I have seen it coming. I just didn't know it'd be this soon. You gave up as easily as Rumsfeld did. :P
But you have to do what you have to do. And when you take over the U.S. and appoint Halc as the State Bitch, just give me a call. I want to be there and see it happen.
Good luck with your ventures. ;)
Kaek, you're one of the biggest assholes I know...but I still love you. Not the same way that Halc loves you though, that's a special thing that I can never hope to have with you.
There isin't much I can say that you don't already know, but, just for the record, it's been a privilage serving under you, and I hope you can stay with the DB at some level, your total departure would be a loss.
Good luck on your further endeavours
~Kaek's Longest Serving Bitch
Your retirement fills me with fear of the possible free-for-all of promotions and medals now that they are not under your radar. I for one liked the Medal Nazi nature of the man. WIthout you getting to the rank of DJK could be as easy as ...well, Kaek after a couple of Appletinis.
I'll look forward to seeing you loiter in Dinaari's ranks again.
I am sad to see you go Kaek. But you have a damn good reason to leave. Because of real life. I can only congratulate you that you got one :)
Hold onto that, not many have been lucky to get one.
It was a pleasure to work for you.
Interesting...Rumsfeld resigns...and so does KaeK. Coincidence? I think not!
<3 KaeK
Nooooo! And here I am knocked out of my position of luxury as a Consort. I guess I'll have to ingratiate myself to the next MAA, too.
To echo what other people have said, I think you brought a good deal more substance to the office of MAA specifically by being a medal Nazi - while I don't know if it was your intention to "make the Brotherhood see the power of the MAA", I think things have taken a turn for the better as a result of your work.
Did you happen to notice that your resignation letter was one line longer than Goat's? :P
You did a fine job. Thanks for everything!
cheers, Mac
Thanks for never making me change my name! :)
Hah. I really am the greatest man to walk the planet! ;)
No you're not. Stop with the lies. Your MOVE4POWER is long over. :P