Creature Handler and Bio Engineer will not be returning to SWG. The code for those profession is imcompatible with this version of SWG. If Creature Handler gameplay is to return to the game, most of those system will need to be re-written. To prevent confusion, we would call this new version Beast Mastery and Genetic Engineering. This is a brainstorming concept document. Implementation or scheduling is neither guaranteed nor implied. This is simply a "Request For Comments".
A new set of expertise would be introduced that allow players to gather creature eggs throughout the galaxy. These eggs can be hatched into baby versions of existing SWG creatures (hatchlings) using player crafted incubators. Once a hatchling is born it must be physically and emotionally cared for. Creatures progress, as a function of time, through various stages of development including the hatchling, juvenile, adult and elder phases. Each phase of development has a specific purpose in the life of a creature. For instance, a creature can no longer learn tricks once it reaches the elder phase of development. If a creature is to be genetically mutated into a ferocious creature (combatant) it must be mutated during the juvenile phase. The hatchling phase is most important in determining the base stats of the creature (physical). So on, and so forth.
Each creature has a shared set of stats that will change depending on how well the creature is cared for. Each creature will have different beginning values for each of these stats. In this way, some creatures will be naturally better for some tasks than others.
All creatures start off as domesticated pets that have no combat value. Domesticated pets can learn a number of abilities (tricks). Tricks must be practiced by the pet in order for the pet to reliably perform the trick on command (use based skill gain). Until the pet reaches the elder phase, the pets progress for each of the tricks it is learning can and will decay if the tricks arent repeatedly practiced. Once a pet reaches the elder phase all skill gains are locked and no new tricks can be learned.
While a pet is in the juvenile phase of development, it can be mutated into a ferocious combatant. Depending on the physical condition of the pet, it may or may not die (permanently) during the mutation process. Once a creature has been successfully mutated into a ferocious creature it unlearns all of their domestic tricks as a result of the genetic stresses of the mutation process. Once successfully mutated, however, creature gains access to a new set of combat tricks. Controlling a ferocious creature requires the handler to devote some amount of concentration to the pet, thus reducing the attack speed of the handler by some percentage.
-The Dark Lord Helios
-Lead Designer
"Sometimes you have to break an egg to make a pet."
I guess SOE is finally listening players feedback, I only hope that they can bring the game back to how it was intended to played.
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Thanks! We care! We really do!
Just kidding!
I think SOE should of left SWG alone in the first place. Maybe some changes but not major ones that they've done. I miss playing the old SWG. TKM rocked!
That game and those developers are like a bad comedy routine that just won't quit. Port it to Xbox, stop charging people $15/month to beta test, and say a little prayer...then move on to other things.
personally I hope every one of those idiots at SOE contract a life threatening STD and die. I played TKM and MCH form day one, and they took them both out of the game.... no matter that I faithfully paid my 15 bucks every month as did millions f other MCH's and TKM's. I wont ever play that game again, unless they set up a pre CU server and bring th old game back. And if ANY of you fall for that BS they are feeding you now, then you deserve to loose your money to such crooks. They'll promise you anythng at this point, especially former CH's, to keep you paying and hanging on while they figure out how to get out of the pickle they have gotten themselves into. They replaced a good game that needed some bug fixes and content with an entirely different game that needs bug fixes and content.... now they are slowly thinking of adding professions back in? The old code for the game is still there, under the new code.... don't let them lie to you. Thats why you get so much lag, the new code having to jump over all the old unused code. SOE= a bunch of liars, and I for one refuse to support their company in any way form here on out until they at least do the right thing.