It is my honor to announce the appointment of Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir as the new Master At Arms. Halc's service as P:MAA and his excellent application made him the obvious selection.
I have great faith that Halc will continue to uphold the value of awards and promotions and that his proposed policies will set a new standard of excellence in the Dark Brotherhood.
I would also like to thank Crix, Thorin, and Orzon for their excellent applications. I will be forwarding all of them to Halc for his future consideration on his staff.
Once again, congratulations Halc!
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Gratz Halc! I'm sure you'll continue to do the office strong :)
Congrats Halc!
Congratulations Halc :)
yay Halc! now dont you go soft now, be the medal nazi that you are :D
nice one Halc....I guess the vacation is finally over :P
Congratulations, Halc!