1: I'm on leave from now until sometime Friday, maybe even Saturday, who knows?
2: New Multiplayer Competition has been approved. The competition which will be hosted by House Ludo Kressh, of Naga Sadow, will take place on Saturdays at 2pm, to 4pm. It supports XvT, XWA, JK, and the new SW:BG. This competition is held in the channel #Naga_Sadow I hope to see you all there!
3: Just a reminder about the other 2 Multiplayer Competitions in the DB right now.
Archanis Training Night
Time: 8-11pm EST, #Archanis
Platforms: XvT, XWA, JK
Host: House Archanis of Clan Taldryan
Thursday Night Training
Time: 7-10pm EST, #Avenger
Platforms: XvT, XWA, JK (SW:BG?)
Host: The Super Star Destroyer Avenger
Activity has been rather low in these competitions, I'd like to see that increase dramatically in the upcoming weeks.
To that end, OHC Sharad and I will be offering an open challenge at one of the three events next week. Keep your eyes peeled for more details, who knows, you may just be able to take a piece out of the order leaders ;)
4: The SHW Site... it's actually very close to being completed. I have the majority of the content up right now, I just basically need to finish off two pages, and then upload it. Thanks to Ast, I'll be using the ImperialAcademy server, yay! The SHW Site will have listings of all Multiplayer Competitions, and other fun stuff. Ain't it cool?
5: Christmas Competition. In keeping with some old traditions, the Order Leaders will be sponsoring a Christmas competition this year. Seeing as I'm the unfortunate sap who thought up the idea, I unfortunately, get the task of emailing it to Ast, and getting it approved (yay :P). I'll do that soon, and your friendly neighbourhood order leaders will be out there ready for some Elf Slaughtering good times.
6: Just a notice to all Sith Summit Leaders. I would like to be cc'd on any internal competition announcements you may have going on in your houses. This will allow me to stage my events around yours, to a degree. After all, there's no sense in having 3 events at once for a month, and then nothing for 3. Just doesn't make any practical sense.
7: Somehow I keep finding new reasons to babble. This one, however, is just a little reflection on the DB as I see it, and I hope you all read this. The DB is in a time of great change right now, we have a drastically changed Dark Council, and one who has something vastly different than any I have seen in my time... we're all idiots who would rather do work towards making the DB better, than going out and enjoying real life.
As such, I can truly tell you, we, the Dark Council are working harder than I've known any other DC to work, and we're working very efficiently. Ideas are flowing like booze at an Irish wedding, and they're being discussed. However, we need your trust in order to make our ideas work. Without the trust of the members, there's no point in us trying to make the DB a better place. If you have questions, I know not a single member of the DC will say "go away" (cept maybe ast :P) and we'll all try to answer them, and more importantly, we'll ALL TAKE YOUR IDEAS, so GIMME GIMME GIMME!
Anyways, that's my rant for the day. I'm off to get really drunk and pass out in a beautiful woman's arms. Tata!
Battlelord Keirdagh "Yacko" Cantor,
Sith High Warrior of the Dark Brotherhood
Elite Tau Squadron Pilot/Drunkard**
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