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Hey all
I have some more exciting news for you. Hopefully these news will receive a good reaction even from the worse critics in the DB. I am happy to announce we have a new Jedi Academy server. Yay! Here is the IP . Make sure to add it to your favourites. There is currently no password, but if it will be set, it will be "DBROX" Also we have a new map on the gaming resources page. It's a racing map, currently functioning on the server. Try it out and have fun!
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so does that make 3?
Kr'Tal, and Antei are still up? and what about the two from CNS?
not like I can play anytime soon, but if it makes for more servers that we have that are private....thats a serious plus!!!!!!
Antei has been down for months.
Side bar question... for the people that read comments... is there any interest in a private server for BF2? If so, CSP would be willing to host.
Depending on responses here, I might open a DB-wide poll.
The DB had a BF2 server not long ago. The catch with a BF2 server is that you can't just whack it up and expect it to be used like the JA one is. It's hard to use for gaming night competitions since it's team based.
It didn't work as something fun to play on either because there are other servers that regularly have large numbers, better pings and choose better maps. There was nothing to really get players to want to play on it.
I recommended we have a stat tracking server like the ID used to (which isn't hard to do ...a server manager prints out a results log as a makeshift method) to create a ladder and award medals based on that but it was knocked back.
Kudos to Werdna's idea. Sounds awesome to me, even the I don't play BF2... but maybe it could be like X-Fire and tracks all your gaming :) So you could just select a platform under a certain person and it'd give you their stats (Win/Loss;Kill/Death Ratio; Kill Count; etc. etc.)
we just tried with Cethgus, the race part isnt that great but we had great fun killing eachother on those bikes ;)
Oh, it's on those bikes! I may have to give that a go now. It was the only thing more random than regular saber battles.