#krath taken away as official DB channel.


#krath taken away as official DB channel.


An unfortunate announcement to make: Arania has deemed it necessary to remove #krath from the list of official DB channels. I have asked her to kindly follow the Brotherhood's rules within the channel by warning people before a kick, and kicking before a ban; however, Arania does not feel that she can abide by those rules with regards to certain individuals. I find that disheartening, but, she owns the channel. Since she is unwilling to follow the rules and I am unwilling to bend the rules at her whim, she has decided to take the channel away from DB control.

Anshar, please update the IRC basics course to reflect this change. Sildrin, please update the "IRC Chat Info" page as well.

At this time, I have not decided whether or not to register a replacement channel. If you believe that we need a replacement, please email Sarin and I.


As a Krath I feel it my duty to say ... people still use #krath?!?!?

Some do. It wasn't used for any "official" Krathish business in a while however, just a place for oldtimer Krath to hang out and enjoy themselves.

I can see people had a blast there. :P

See this is why 11 year old boys shouldn't own channels :P

Order channels are useless, anyway. There's no purpose to them, and quite frankly, unless we actually do end up having "Order Wars" where each Order goes up against the other two (never happen), there's no reason to segregate according to Order.

Forget registering a new channel.

/me takes his ball back so the others can't play

I'm with my CON. With the abolition of the Order Leaders, I dont know of a convincing argument for order chans. Perhaps instead of replacing #krath with something the same, we could create a RPG-only chan?

yeah a all RPG channel would be nice, since its becoming more popular.....maybe next time dont let half-wits run the channels......oh wait that just eliminated what two djm's in CSP.......errrrr, my bad. :P

As already stated, Order-only channels aren't needed...so if we happen to lose any, it's not a huge loss. An RP-only channel would be decent...especially if a "true" DB RP system is released

A RP only channel? That doesn't mean a channel where everyone acts like total geeks and pretends to be in character all the time does it?


That'd be too much even for me :P

If we do have IRC RP or a channel for it, then how about it actually be advertised to the membership at large this time?

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