Lord Firefox steps down from Justicar


Lord Firefox steps down from Justicar


I am sad to announce that Firefox is leaving his position of Justicar. This distresses me -- Firefox is a wonderful friend and a great asset to this club. His time as Justicar saw some great improvements in the judicial system and a strengthening of our Covenant. Although he will not be serving as JST any longer, he will be remaining to advise me in the times to come...after a break for a bit, or course.

I don't think I need to remind anyone, but I will anyway: this club is as successful as it is today directly because of Firefox's leadership through the Exodus and beyond. We all owe him a debt of gratitude.


Sad to see ya go FF, good luck on your future endevors

Well played FF... even if you are a crazy Quebecer... good luck buddy.


A sad day indeed... Thank you for your impartiality, fairness and thoroughness within the position of JST.

Cheers to Darth Firefox. Thanks for all you've done.

FF still loves me more than any of you. And we all know what he would want: JST Me. Seriously. I shouldn't even have to say it.

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