Greetings folks,
I have recently completed a new medal recommendation form. This form allows you to request up to 20 medals at one time, making it much easier to put in competition results and take care of tasks quickly. This script is a long time coming, and I do hope that it saves some of you a lot of time.
The file is linked off of your administration menu in the place of the normal "Recommend Medals" option. You can also get to it directly from your administration drop down on dossiers by choosing "Recommend Multiple Medals."
Please, please let me know if you encounter any bugs.
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Well, I guess it works. Why else would I have just received 20 Letters of Reprimand? Just kidding, but yeah, definitely a time saver. Especially for the bigger comps and such. Thanks!
You get what you earn, Mal :P
An amazing piece of work in my opinion, thanks a bunch Jac :D
Very cool. It made awarding Mal his 20 hard earned LoRs very easy! :P
Invaluable for large gaming days, tournaments, and Vendettas. Thanks Jac!