I'd like to thank Jac for having a sense of humor. And to all of you who honestly thought I'd want Justicar, or apply for it, Hah.
No, I am not the new Justicar. No, I am not even applying for it. All of that "BF = JST" stuff was basically started by me, and then carried on by Jac. Some of you may remember all of the rrumors about me becoming DGM, and then destroying the Brotherhood. Personally, I was highly amused by that. This time, I decided to start the rumors myself. I figured many of you would believe them, and I even figured a few of you would probably mob Jac's inbox about it. I believe I was right. But Jac was sure it'd happen, too.
So, no, I will not be seeking JST, nor will I be appointed to it; you can bank on that. I will, however, be laughing at the people who believed it, and the people who were so terrorized and convinced as to flip out and/or email Jac. You people make this place entertaining after seven years.
And no, the rumors of my transferring to CSP and taking over are also to be considered an enormous amount of bullshit. I am not taking over CSP. I do not bend over tables willingly for Shadow. I am not secretly married to a welsh sheep (although I hear from Welshman that they are quite cute and cuddly, but I'll just take his word for it).
Have a nice day. :P
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BF for GM! :P
All I'm saying dude is don't knock it before you try it...
And by that I mean the sheep not the JST, you'd suck as JST.
<3 ya ;p
LOL BF in CSP... christ, people are gullible...
Funny stuff, all, but after we've had our fun, there is a time to settle down and get serious. I guess that time is now.
<3 BF!
Just so everyone knows...those rumors about BF and myself vacationing on Corellia - those are all true <wink>.</wink>
This news post reminds me of press conferences in which the person who called the conference reveals s/he has no news whatsoever. "The situation--or lack thereof--has not and will not change. Thank you."
EvilAckbar is most astute. :P
LOL. I almost had a heart attack when I read the title. :P
I'm not convinced.
You claim that you have not been introduced to Shadow's Table, but as one who is intimately involved with that table, I wish to call you a liar. A Damned, Dirty Liar. I know you've met the table...
Honestly, I dont see BF getting introduced to the Table by Shad, I see...BF doing the introducing to Shad.....so yeah, that I would call almost truth?
But anyone to believe for a moment, that BF would go to CSP...wow, I bet two friendly DJM's would just love that, scratch that..maybe BF should go there...just for a "Hello all, Im here to kick you in the arse" LOL
But BF for JST...well, sorry to say he would make a awesome JST, coupled with Oberst as a right hand, and Doni as left hand...can we say, "The Buck stops here" :P
lol... we [CSP] don't need a kick in the arse... and if anyone's boot is going up anyone's arse - well, have I introduced you to my PCON?
::presents:: Phoenix Olkyssagh Palpatine, Lord of Arse Kicking within CSP
Smokes, got a great idea there! That would be a excellent combination for CoJ. I say go for it BF!
To all those that thought BF being JST was scary and worthy of complaining to Jac. Just be glad I haven't applied.