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Hello gamers of the DB. If you're not a gamer, you should start gaming. If you are a gamer, here are SIT results. We had 44 people in total come out and play. YaY! Lots of games, lots of shinies. Congrats to CSP for taking top 4 and congrats to Sklib for taking 5th. Tal is catching up! Would also like to take this time to remind you people to finish up your ladder matches. You have until sometimes this weekend since people asked me to extend it a bit due to schedule conflicts. Also, winners have been calculated by number of CFs this time, because I think this system is more fair and both good players and persistant players have an advantage. And now, results:
(Cr-R) Brecen with 48 CFs!
**(Cr-A) **RevengeX with 34 CFs!
**(Cr-S) **Cethgus with 20 CFs!
(Cr-E) Rasilveraira with 19 CFs!
**(Cr-T) **Hel-Pa Sklib with 15 CFs!
Congrats to you people, CFs are in the mails (except Cethgus' because I mistyped his pin so his CFs are yet to come :P) Have a great day or night, depends on where you live!
P.S. I also would like to verify that you still need to be in #DBGaming to play/report/and get CFs for playing in SIT. We had a few confused individuals who did not know the rules, so now you know
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Not bad, not bad...activity FTW: http://www.icte.starwarsalliance.com/files/icte_20070120.xls
I'm sorry, wasn't the whole point of the special Sunday Tournaments to award skill over just participation? The ICTE handles the former. A Tournament implies a test of skill... it's one of the few such events in the DB other than the annual GJW/RoS.
I'm all for promoting activity, and for the most part that's what the DB does over skill. But it is nice to have at least one official event where skill plays a role in who earns top placings. Just adding my two cents.
I agree entirely with what Shadow said. I was about to post the same thing but he beat me to it.
I quite agree. Originally, the Sunday Tournament was to see who the most skilled (based on win-loss records) at gaming were. I like encouraging less skilled members to participate and get better, but as Shadow stated, the ICTE, and the Gaming Nights, are there for that. And I don't see how the total number of CFs earned reflects skill. If it does and I'm just seeing badly (I actually have poor vision in real life), could someone please explain it to me?
I couldn't possibly agree more. The fact that the SIT is based chiefly on skill is somthing that we're all very very grateful for. Grats to the talented members that have secured these special prizes, and best of luck to all future participants.
If the SIT should be about skill, then the only way it would really show this is that if players couldn't play inside their own clan.
Past rules weren't fair either, a 2-1 record would beat a 2-0 record based on who plays the most games.
So what happens when the "most skilled players" play two matches a week? You can't really have a skill based tourney unless you have someone watching every match and judging tactics. And that would definatly cause problems.
I think it would be effective if every participant had their own "career" stats during the SIT. Their record would be saved onto their profile/dossier/whatever, and at the end of say... a month, the person with the "best" record wins some type of crescent or other award depending on how many matches they played. Example, if it's a rather slow month, you wouldn't award the same prize as a particularly eventful month. It just doesn't make sense.
When I say "best", there are many loose interpretations of it. It could be the most wins, or the the best win percentage. Also, you should be forced to play opponents outside of your own clan for it to count towards the Clan points, but playing someone within your clan should be allowed for your "personal" record.
The SIT should be more of a clan versus clan competition IMO, but it COULD be used on a more personal level as well. Say each clan nominates their best players (for each game. I was thinking JO/JA/EaW/BF2 among the most popular) over the course of a month/quarter/etc., and they each play each other in a round-robin type style tournament in an "all-star" month/week.
Just my two cents.
Umm first, how does playing someone in your own clan negate your skill? That is so utterly retarded I'm not going to discuss it further...
As for the most skilled playing only twice a week.. so what? The people I play with have been there and done that with the uber amounts of activity. We don't really feel the need to play 50 matches a week to show off. But it's still nice to be able to game every once and a while and earn something that APP wtfIcanlose300matchesinaday can't. The weekly gaming nights and ICTE have always catered to the participation = everything philosophy. The Sunday Tournament's began as elimination brackets to earn crescents... how is Sunday different from every other gaming night now? It's not. But for some reason people still get crescents for "placing". If that's how it's going to work then every gaming night should function that way.
As for Sklib's idea. It'd be cool, but it would require a lot of effort on the codemonkeys part and they're busy sexifying the site still :P
Sklib's idea about keeping a record is excellent, but if that does happen, it's important that people are able to control whether or not they want it activated on their dossier - some people, who are not so good, may be discouraged from gaming if their record is very low. And that's not really a good thing.
A: SIT is all about (or should be) skill, what that means is Win/Loss...not dumb a** CF's that dont mean crap anymore besides whos really active...but then loss enough games, and you look active.
BF, had the SIT working awsome so did Shadow....why do we need to futher make things a joke I will never know.
If you want to play the best, that is what the SIT is all about, thats why there is "Crescents" for the top placers. The only reason I added two spots for 4th and 5th, was to make everyone feel like they had a chance.
So what if a guy has a 2-0 record, and gets beat by a 2-1 record...its simple he played one more person and well, it should count for something. But when do you see a person that wins SIT with that.
Record means alot to people, yes it shows who is the BEST second to none....if we have fallen so far as to who makes the most cf's in one event...then wow, this club fell along way. SIT should be looked at so it doesnt come as a "normal" gaming day...how is the key to this all.
My advice isnt worth much, but Im going to suggest a few things...throw out the damn CF's for this...you have one goal in this event...to make top 5, and get a Crescent as your award....and the clan is also awarded, as such in the past...make it worth there time to promote this event to there members....what can you offer? Ships, ground stuff, and other "fictional" stuff that "CAN" be used in other events, RPG, and the ACC..... I guess it doesnt take alot for a clan to fire off a email, but when certain clans just dont see a intrest due to things as such, then the tribune and the DC need to figure out a way to make things right. Not waste time about this event and that event.
You enter the SIT, by pretty soft rules, and then we see people only playing there buddies....wow, is it still a win or loss? Yes it is, does it suck, yes it does. So where do we go with that one? You rightfully cant but harsh rules on that but wait....a rule does exsist..."Match Dodging" if you play all your buddies then just say "Ok, Im done for the day" thats a form of dodging....but then you cant expect people to waste alot of time all day do you? they want to win just as bad as the next....maybe a 24 hour event should be left to those that are normal gaming days..and set a legit time frame so all people can play....is that to hard?
B: I guess we all need to sit back, and think for a moment...yes a dossier actived record would be really nice.....and yes, it makes more work for the code monkeys. But thats why they took said job in the first place.
But before we go into that, maybe a easier way of recc'ing CF's since we have so many CF Whores in this club (not me anymore YAY!!!!)
There was talk about a system Jac and Rax had set-up but never got done....maybe fix that first, then go onto better things. Then move to finding a better form of gaming.....like my daddy always said..."When its not broke dont fix it." well it is broken, with the tribunes doing massive amounts of work for a silly little medal.....so fix it. Then move along. Yes we all like lives, some more than others, and thats why as a Tribune its almost a 2nd job. Sucks yes, but live with it. Until this is rectified then quit all the whinning.