Introduction and Applications


Introduction and Applications


Just a quick post from me here. First off thank you to Jac and the Dark Council for appointing me Justicar, I originally wanted to become JST awhile back, but got detoured with DGM, so I'm very happy to have the chance to return to this prestigious position.

Next, introduction – I am Kir Taldrya Katarn, I think most of you are at least somewhat familiar with me. If not, I have served in a plethora of leadership positions in the Brotherhood, up to and including Deputy Grand Master. I also served as the Left Hand of Justice and was part of the large group that helped write the Covenant. In every position I have had, I always maintain an open-door policy that extends to everyone. So if you ever have a complaint about something, a question about the Covenant, or even questions on any Brotherhood topic at all, please contact me. I am on IRC quite often as Kir, or you can send me an email and I'll respond as quickly as possible (usually within a few hours).

I've inherited a few cases and tasks from Firefox, and I've already started working on those this morning. Hopefully we won't have any open cases (unless there are new ones) after the next two weeks. I will also be keeping both BubbaX and Donitz on as my Hands of Justice until their terms expire, so please no applications there. In addition some of you may have noticed that the Chamber of Justice website ( is fairly empty. I'll be correcting that in the next few weeks, after which the site should be a valuable resource for all your Brotherhood Judicial needs.

One final note – as of now I am accepting applications for the three-member Appeals Panel (created by Article VIII, Section 5 of the Covenant). To qualify, you must be ranked higher than Dark Jedi Knight, be familiar with the Dark Covenant, and be in good standing with the Brotherhood. Your application should contain at least the following information:

-Past Leadership Experience
-Past Judicial Experience (DB, School, Mock Gov, etc)
-Past Experiences with problematic DB situations
-What you offer the Appeals Panel
-Why you would like to be a member of the Panel

I will accept applications from today until Saturday, February 10th at 11:59pm EST.

So that's all for me, remember if you have any questions or comments, at all, please just contact me.


SHENANIGANS! It is for the reason stated previously that I believe Kir should be flogged with a wiffle bat. Gratz bro.

pick me! pick me! pick me! pick me! :D

Does that include Dark Jedi Knights, or does it have to be OT/KP/SW and above?

Well, he did say "higher than DJK", not "DJK and above"...

I meant you have to be ranked at least SW/OT/KP to apply.

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