Taking Applications for LHoJ


Taking Applications for LHoJ

Greetings -

Yesterday Donitz resigned as the Left Hand of Justice to go on an extended leave of absence. I'd like to thank him for his four months of service in the position and wish him the best. This however pulls the e-brake if you will on several issues the Chamber is currently handling.

So I will now be taking applications for Left Hand of Justice. It will be a truncated application period because I need to fill this position quickly. Before I list application requirements, here is the description of the Left Hand position:

Left Hand of Justice (LHoJ) — The Left Hand of Justice is a member of the Chamber of Justice and serves at the discretion of the Justicar. The Left Hand is charged with upholding the laws of the Covenant and the Brotherhood's rules and regulations. Specifically, the Left Hand of Justice is the counter-weight to the Right Hand's prosecution efforts. He serves as defense counsel during trials and ensures that members have proper knowledge of their rights. He works with the Right Hand of Justice to gain a full discovery of evidence and helps establish a case in defense of the accused.

Alright, now for the application requirements (they will look familiar). To qualify, you must be ranked higher than Dark Jedi Knight, be familiar with the Dark Covenant, and be in good standing with the Brotherhood. Your application should contain at least the following information:

-Past Leadership Experience

-Past Judicial Experience (DB, School, Mock Gov, etc)

-Past Experiences with problematic DB situations

-What you offer the Chamber of Justice

-Why you would like to be a member of the Chamber

I will take applications through Thursday, February 8th at 11:59pm EST.


Do you mean above DJK, or at least DJK?

To qualify, you must be ranked higher than Dark Jedi Knight,

Higher than usually means not inclusive of the lower value.

Therefore... ABOVE DJK. DJK does not count.

I meant you have to be ranked at least SW/OT/KP to apply.

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