Announcements - Obelisk High Commander


Announcements - Obelisk High Commander

  1. First off, for all you QUAs and AEDs who haven't gotten your house analysis in to me (there's 5 of you) you have until Sunday.

  2. Second, you have another list of things to do, which you have a week to complete, so check your email.

  3. Third and last for QUAs and AEDs only, I want to be CCed on anything important. This includes reports and competition and basically anything you plan on doing.

  4. I thought I had resolved my web hosting problems, but apparently I haven't. Therefore, I'll be getting a new host hopefully within the next couple of days. However, this means that the Obelisk site won't be up until I get things figured out with the new host and that the House League won't be started just yet. I would like to go ahead and say that the aimed starting date for the House League will be next Sunday, December 16. This means if any of you houses have any major planned competitions that you haven't started yet, don't. I haven't seen anything major from what I've received from you all so far, so I hope this poses no problems.

  5. Now onto other fun stuff. I plan on doing a Weekly Most Improved award for the most improved JK player in the Obelisk Order from week to week. As soon as I have approval from FF and Ast I plan on launching this. Therefore, when Shadow (my M:OHC to be) asks for JK matches it would be good if you would oblige, since he'll be the one gauging this. If it becomes too much for him then a team will be put together, but seeing the sad amounts of active JK players in the order I don't think that will be necessary now.

  6. Brigades will be reorganized and have a meaningful role in the grand scheme of the order soon. I've emailed instructions on structure and purpose to your QUAs and AEDs. I just wanted to inform you that activity in brigades will be an integral part of promos and a core for training.

  7. Ok several of you have been asking to get on my staff and now I think I'm ready to accept applications for the 2 positions that are open. Don't specify P:OHC or M:OHC as I'll give you what I feel applies. Also, keep in mind if I don't get any apps from anyone I feel deserves the job, then the positions will remain open until I do. One last note before I post the skills I'm looking for is that the more you bug me for something the less likely I am to give it. This means if you apply don't whine, suck up, or ask about your application unless you're just wondering if I received it. Anyways here are many qualities I'd like my staff to have. If you don't have them feel free to apply anyway, but like I said I'm not just appointing people to positions just to fill them up.

  • PHP/MySql skills (bleh ASP :P)

  • Graphics skills

  • HTML skills

  • Excessive time to JK

  • JK Editing Skills

  • Likes to play JK SP Missions (in other words you get to scope them out for me :P)

Ok other than that there's no due date on the applications, but if you don't apply you obviously don't get it.

  1. Like Yacks said there are many multiplayer competitions/melees going on and you can check his announcements for specific time and place of each one. However, I would like to encourage you all to go play in these as not only do they show you're active, but you get CFs for them as well. To promote activity at these events we'll not only be there (most likely all 3), but we'll probably play in at least one of them. Therefore, come have a go at your mentors/superiors/clowns/idiots. :P

OBM Sharad Hett/OHC (mucho other garbage)
"The more you bug me about something,
the less likely you are to get it."

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