Dark Greetings!
It is my distinct pleasure tonight to announce that Aristan "Sarin" Dantes has been confirmed by the Dark Council to be my replacement. Sarin takes the helm of this club as it's fourteenth Grand Master. He will continue to uphold the tradition of excellence exhibited by the very distinguished line before him.
Sarin, I am truly proud of your accomplishments. You have set yourself apart from all others and earned your chance to reign from that unholy throne. You are a Grand Master now; the last promotion you will ever receive. You are the Dark Lord of the Sith, the highest position obtainable in our dark order. You are at the helm of the greatest organization, and these are the greatest members you will ever serve. Relish in these times and work your hardest; your potential is unending.
Members, once again, it has been a pleasure to serve you as Grand Master. I am thrilled, however, to hand over the reigns of this organization to a truly skilled and competent leader. Sarin will do well in following in the footsteps of the great leaders before him. I urge you all to place your faith in him and let him lead the way.
Sith Warrior Raken has prepared an excellent work of fiction to commemorate this rare event. The piece, entitled "Change of Command," is a must-read. Thank you to Raken for the great job.
Change of Command ( |
) (links fixed)
Congratulations again, Sarin. Well done.
Lord Jac Cotelin
Grand Master Emeritus
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Congratulations Sarin.
But as a note, the links to the Change of Command document don't work. at least, as of just a moment ago when I tried.
Congrads Sarin. Lead us well!
On a side note, none of the three document types worked for me, gave me a dead link notice.
Congrats, Sarin!
Woo Whoo!!!
Congratulations from Plagueis Sarin.
Ky Terrak
Congratz Sarin!
Congrats Sarin on your promotion. I still can't get the link to the fiction.
Congratulations Grand Master Sarin:)
'About time! Way to go, Sarin! :-D
KP Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
It was a no-brainer that you would get confirmed. Congratulations.
Just remember, great things are expected from you. ;)
Right click and Save target as. Worked for me:P
All Hail the Grand Master!
Congratulations M'Lord
Hurrah for teh new GM!
Glad to see you back in a position fitting of your abilities Sarin. Congratulations!
Gratz Sarin - and great work Raken!
May the reign of Darth Aristan Dantes, Dark Lord of the Sith, be long, fruitful, and enjoyable.
Congratz Sarin
Yay! Congratulations, Sarin! :D