DGM Greeting


DGM Greeting

Hello all,

I would first like to thank Sarin for even giving me this opportunity. I know there were a number of highly qualified applicants, so I have a lot to live up to. I am currently just getting settled in, but I look forward to jumping in and helping improve this club any way I can. I’d also like to thank everyone who’s congratulated me. My job is to make this club fun for the members, so feel free to shoot me an email if you ever have any ideas, questions or comments on things.

Now, another point I’ve heard a lot of people talk about is MAA. There should be more information on what will be happening with the position. However, until then, the P:MAA, Kraval, is currently in charge of the office. Send any requests, questions, etc… to him directly and he can handle it. I’ll still be around however until things are finalized, but Kraval is effectively in charge for the interim.

Thanks again everyone.

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