First off, congrats to Scorpius and Aabsdu who won last week's message board based trivia. The week before that, Raken and Tyno won on IRC.
This week, we have two trivia events running. Yadar will be running a message board event. It starts right now and you can find the questions here:
Kalak will be running the IRC event on Saturday at 12:00 EST (this is an hour sooner than I normally do it!). You can only participate in one of the trivia events: either message board or IRC, but not both
I'd like to thank Yadar and Kalak for volunteering to help with the trivia this week. It is greatly appreciated. As for next week, I've decided to not have any trivia events next week so people can focus on finishing up the RoS. As a final reminder, I will be gone from March 24-April 2 on a trip. Dranik will be in charge of the SA.
Read all the posts below this one if you haven't done so already.
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