Fiction Tribune: Open for Applications


Fiction Tribune: Open for Applications

Hey everyone. Last update of the night for me.

The position of Fiction Tribune is now open for applications. The Fiction Tribune is responsible for our most popular platform and is a position of supreme importance. Those applying must have the initiative to innovate and create competitions that encourage maximum participation.

Applications are due by 9 April. All applicantions should be sent to the DGM, P:GM, and GM. Applicants should detail the competitions they plan on running, what goals and projects do you have in mind, and what can you bring to the DB.

I envision the T:F position growing in its role and working directly with the Grand Master on the overall Dark Brotherhood Storyline. I would like to see the new T:F work on projects that rival the scope and length of the Antei Project.

See the following for the standard explanation of the Fiction Tribune's duties.

Fiction Tribune (T:F) - The Fiction Tribune is the Tribune responsible for the somewhat nebulous duty overseeing writing activities in the Dark Brotherhood. Most often, this means organizing writing competitions, including the Monthly Topics.

Since the Fiction Tribune is not in charge of one specific event or platform in the same way as the ICTE Tribune or a specific project such as the Dark Voice Tribune, the position often expands to fill other roles, including work with the Headmaster to develop Shadow Academy writing courses or the maintenance of a Fiction Archive.

  • Develop, organize and run writing competitions.

    • Promote participation in writing-based competitions throughout the Dark Brotherhood.
    • Work with the Headmaster and other Shadow Academy staff to develop writing courses, when necessary.

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